Friday, May 17, 2013

Safely Arrived in Cambodia!

Hey guys, I am so happy to say that we've safely arrived, without issue to Phnom Penh. We are exactly 12 hours different from you guy back in Texas, so keep that in mind!

Everyone was right, it's CRAZY humid here, and incredibly hot. It's currently over 100 degrees with 100% humidity, but oh well. I'm here on a mission, not to complain :)

So far things have been laid back, on the way here I quickly learned there are no rules on the road... motorbikes are swerving in and out through cars and it just seems like a disaster waiting to happen, but somehow everyone gets it.

We have a meeting to meet the staff of In His Steps Ministry, which is who we are partnering with while here.

Here are some pictures:

Mr. Sargent and I on the bus, he's the best.


Our Hotel Room

Bonnie being cray.

part of our team walking up our hotel entrance.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it safe! Your room looks great! Sailor ask me this morning if Mommy was still helping other kids and I said "yes" and she said "That's good, I love Mommy"!
