Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ready for take off...

Well, it's 10:23 at night on May 14th and I have packed only about 6 items.. not to worry, the rest of it is either ready to be packed or in the middle of a wash or dry.... Plus, I always work best at night, so this seems pretty fitting.

I leave tomorrow evening at 8:28 where I will fly from Austin to L.A. and then from L.A. to Taipei, and then to my final destination of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  It'll be a very long few days of traveling, I think it totals to over 28 hours with layovers and flight time combined! Either way, I am praying for safe travels with no issues at all.

People have asked me "are you nervous"... and honestly,  not really. The ONLY thing that makes me nervous is leaving my daughter... I don't think I could ever ever leave her this long unless it was for something like this. I am praying that her heart be still while I am away and that when we go to the airport tomorrow that she doesn't cry when I have to say goodbye. I just really pray that she doesn't cry; I won't be able to handle it. I am however, very grateful for skype, facetime, and the internet.. Thank you lord for these things that will keep me connected to my family.

This will be my last update until we land in Taipei, but I just wanted to take this time to THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU who have contributed in some sort of way or prayed for me! I know God's hand is in this, because not only did he give me a vision and the heart for it, but also plenty of provision.
God is telling me something big is going to happen. Tonight I had a little "send off" dinner at my house and my sweet friends really helped calm my heart.
I am excited, and open, to everything that should and will happen here.

Thank you Lord for everything.
Thank you to EVERYONE for the constant love and support.

Blessings from Texas,



  1. Anxiously awaiting more news, Nataly! You, the trip, and your precious family are in my prayers this week as you embark on this life-changing journey. I'm praying that each day is extended into hundreds of "aha" moments that paint a new picture of what God is up to in the world, and what your place is in it!

    1. We are in Taipei Abby... Thank you for the prayers.. I know something big is going to happen. I can feel it. I will update more soon!
