Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Progress and Setbacks...

Sorry It's been awhile since I've updated.... let's just say we don't have the most reliable wifi connection.

On the first day, we visited the killing fields and the school-turned into torture prison.
I wanted to put a lot of pictures up but it's almost impossible to load several photos...
We saw bones all over the place, pretty sad.

                                                                   Genocide Center

People by their house.
They would use these to slit the throats of people.

Mass gravesite where hundreds of bodies were found piled... The monk's blessed the bracelets and people put them on the side.

Legitimate bones on the ground.. It rains so much here that the ground shifts and every few months bones show up.
The torture prison.

We then went to in his steps ministry and visited. Mark did the sermon on Sunday and we started on the playground on monday... some of us girls went and visited the orphans and taught some english classes.
adorable kids!

she is 99 years old, she is the happiest most humble person I've ever met.

A stove at one of the houses.

A blind widow, she was heavenly. 

Today a few of our staff members seemingly have food poisoning. Please pray, as we need all the men back to normal!

Blessings, Nataly

1 comment:

  1. Nat,
    I hope you've loved loving on those kids as much as I did! The lingering evidence of the Khmer Rouge is staggering. I am praying that you feel the power that has traveled with you and let it effect everything and everyone you touch. Give everyone a big hug from me!
