Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spreading Love: Mission Trip to Cambodia

I once was told that God doesn't put a desire in your heart that he doesn't want to fulfill, but that sometimes it takes a step in faith to see these things play out.... Well that's where I am.
For about 2-3 years I have had a strong desire to go on a Mission Trip, not any mission trip either, preferably in areas where I am strong and know I could help like with women, children, and the sick.
Obviously, being a wife, mother, and student puts limitations on opportunities leaving little to no doors open.

Well all that has changed, being that I am a student, we have small breaks between semesters. God has strategically placed this wonderful opportunity to go to Phnom Phen, Cambodia to help in a country stricken by poverty, and illegal sex trade. 
Although I only have a few hundred dollars in the bank (which are going to bills this friday), I am stepping out in faith and hoping that not only to be given the opportunity to work for money to afford this trip, but to be blessed by other people. Often, asking for money is pretty hard. I have had to do it before, under different circumstances, but sometimes you just have to humble yourself and understand that sometimes people really do want to help!

I am praying for many things: God to reveal to me what he wants me to share, prayers for safe travels, emotional and physical strength, and of course the impending financial aspect of this journey.
I will be updating regularly to let everyone know how this goes.

Please know that anything helps: $1 is just as big as a blessing as any other dollar amount.

Please visit my link to donate:

I would also like to try and clean a few houses to save up some money!
if you'd like for this to happen contact me directly at 512-905-8603!

Love and Blessings,


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