Friday, March 15, 2013


The last few days have been really stressful in terms of getting ideas and things together in preparation for this mission trip; it's all I can think about.
Yesterday I spent a lot of time at my church with my friends Abby and Ashley who helped me come up with creative fundraising ideas.
So far this is what I've got tentatively lined up:
1. Car/Bike Wash
2. Selling Breakfast Tacos at church, or probably just taking donations.

I keep thinking about my own daughter, and how precious she is to me. She has more than enough: more than enough clothes, more than enough toys, more than enough shelter, more than enough food, and more than enough love and protection....I would do anything in my power to ensure these things... but Cambodia is different, children literally are taken away from their parents or even traded by their  for money out of desperation... AS YOUNG AS MY daughter, and given a life where they are used for slavery and SEX... I couldn't even imagine the trauma, the fear, the hurt, the physical pain... it's harsh, but it's real and devastating. Kids walk around on the streets with filthy feet, no clothes, and nothing to play with.... giving them a playground is like taking our children to disney world... amazing, memorable, fun! It's been proven that play is a form of therapy for children... giving them a playground gives them a safe place to go. Teaching them about washing their hands, cleanliness, and giving them small items is a HUGE deal... all things that we take for granted. Pretty eye opening. All I want to do is bring love, and hope... and maybe some toys :)

I have this mentality that no matter WHAT it takes, I AM raising the funds to go. I am overwhelmed but the deep desire to be on this trip. God is telling me, "Nataly get there, I'll do the rest." I really do look forward to letting God use my heart and hands to pour out the love of Christ to a starving and hurting nation.

So far, I have raised $625 from only 3 donors! This leaving $2,375 more dollars to raise, and quick. One of the donations alone was $500... which was a God-send considering how discouraged I was yesterday... I am completely blessed by this.

I have a long way to go, but it's reachable! I can't wait to be updating you guys from Cambodia.
Until then, please pray for me and my progress....
and If you'd like to donate to my trip, visit my funding website:
ANYTHING helps and is much appreciated.... also again, if you are local and would like me to come clean your house, PLEASE let me know...I will do it for a donation, not a charge.



Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spreading Love: Mission Trip to Cambodia

I once was told that God doesn't put a desire in your heart that he doesn't want to fulfill, but that sometimes it takes a step in faith to see these things play out.... Well that's where I am.
For about 2-3 years I have had a strong desire to go on a Mission Trip, not any mission trip either, preferably in areas where I am strong and know I could help like with women, children, and the sick.
Obviously, being a wife, mother, and student puts limitations on opportunities leaving little to no doors open.

Well all that has changed, being that I am a student, we have small breaks between semesters. God has strategically placed this wonderful opportunity to go to Phnom Phen, Cambodia to help in a country stricken by poverty, and illegal sex trade. 
Although I only have a few hundred dollars in the bank (which are going to bills this friday), I am stepping out in faith and hoping that not only to be given the opportunity to work for money to afford this trip, but to be blessed by other people. Often, asking for money is pretty hard. I have had to do it before, under different circumstances, but sometimes you just have to humble yourself and understand that sometimes people really do want to help!

I am praying for many things: God to reveal to me what he wants me to share, prayers for safe travels, emotional and physical strength, and of course the impending financial aspect of this journey.
I will be updating regularly to let everyone know how this goes.

Please know that anything helps: $1 is just as big as a blessing as any other dollar amount.

Please visit my link to donate:

I would also like to try and clean a few houses to save up some money!
if you'd like for this to happen contact me directly at 512-905-8603!

Love and Blessings,
